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Global warming evangelist hits his straps

I think ‘hits his straps’ an apt way to describe public intellectual Professor Clive Hamilton’s recent statement about global warming. The phrase sprang to mind when I received a short e-mail from a sceptic that said ‘Right now (9.20am Sunday 27 April so13) Professor Hamilton is on ABC Radio National (846) advocating a campaign of civil disobedience to force people to believe in catastrophic anthropogenic global warming!

Horses as you know have four walking styles – walk, canter, trot and gallop.  Over the years Dr Hamilton in his Green racing colours, has adopted each of the four styles when inveighing against people who do not share his view about global warming.

Indeed with his call for civil disobedience not only has Professor Hamilton hit his straps he seems to have become an environmental zealot. His statement is reminiscent of those religious zealots who, over the centuries, predicted the world was doomed if both sceptics and unthinking unbelievers did not abandon the use of fossil fuels.

Like all zealots, Professor Hamilton’ is dogmatic about global warming: he and people who think like him are right; everybody else is wrong. He argues also that to believe anything else is to deny climate change truth and engage in wishful thinking.

Among Professor Hamilton’s many qualifications, although he seems to have spent most of his time working in the political field like many other oracles on global warming, are history, psychology, pure mathematics and economics. Like other people of Green political convictions and despite his many qualifications Professors Hamilton’s vision of the future seems one dimensional: doom clouds his horizon.

Helping to formulate that view is that I find it strange that a man who has spent a great deal of his working life in the political economic field seems blind to the fact that it is unlikely he and his fellow Green believers would be here today enjoying the fruits (read progress) grown by past wishful thinkers. Stranger still is the suggestion of the Greens that the landscape be polluted with monstrous wind turbines whose capacity to provide energy is limited and their suggesting that the roof of every house be covered with solar panels.

But perhaps the strangest thing of all is that I have yet to hear Green economists like Professor Hamilton, suggest that as doomsday approaches how will they save all species of fauna and flora current at the time. I wonder why? Perhaps it’s because their vision of the future is limited by their lack of imagination. Is there no wishful thinker like Noah among them? It seems not.

But of the people among them some are people of influence whom I would describe either as hard wired for alarm or hot gospellers for calamity and catastrophe. As unlike optimists as chalk is to cheese, they are perpetual pessimists who, having spent so much time opposing sensible ideas about global warming from informed sceptics, of whom there are many, that they now can’t see the wood for the trees.

Let me end by saying that despite the doom laden predictions of zealots from the past, who allegedly had God on their side, the world is still with us.

Comment welcome

Have you noticed how people refer to the last few weeks before Christmas as ‘the silly season’? I don’t think it’s silly at all.

In actual fact it’s pretty much the season when people revert to normal as they go about the business of finishing off the year, thinking more about their friends and family and the cards, letters and gifts they’ll send/give/receive, spending a bit more time socializing and looking forward to their holidays It’s all very normal stuff if you ask me.

Is it normal to work like mad to finish something off? Yep, sure is! In fact as well as being normal it’s very satisfying.

Christmas means different things to different people, but it seems to me to be all about celebrating the existence of his benevolent majesty, Father Christmas, acknowledging the solstice and finishing off the year. In the northern hemisphere Christmas is a confirmation that the days are getting longer. Down here, by Christmas day the days are getting shorter. Maybe in the southern hemisphere we should have a celebration on the 25th of June.

If we didn’t have Christmas we’d all go nuts.

The fact that parliaments across Australia shut down for a couple of months has a big impact on the normalizing process because when parliaments close down, journalists and commentators close down as well. What that does is flush out of the print and electronic media the tripe and nonsense that clogs it up for the other 46 weeks of the year. For starters instead of waking up in a lather listening to the frenetic Fran Kelly, I’m listening to the dulcet, boring tones of Roy Slaven.

With speculators, hedge fund operators and screen jockeys taking a break, every one with a self-managed super fund can breathe easier as the stock exchange returns to normal, if only for a couple of weeks.

Taking a holiday in January seems to be a normal thing to do in Australia.
This year Christine, Honey and I are whizzing up to northern NSW to spend a week at the beach with my daughters, Jo and Lisa and their families. (Why don’t you become a friend of Honey, wonder dog from Canberra on Facebook- honeymillercanberra? She’s sitting here beside me wagging her tail at the very thought!)

Paul Pearsal in his book, ‘Super Immunity’ said we need to take at least one 21 day away-from-home holiday each year if we’re to get the most out of a holiday. A week is not enough. It’s too frantic.

Leonardo Da Vinci said:

‘Every now and then go away, have a little relaxation, for when you come back to your work your judgment will be surer. Go some distance away because then the work appears smaller and more of it can be taken in at a glance and a lack of harmony and proportion is more readily seen.’

Going to the cricket on Boxing Day, watching it on TV or listening to it on the radio is another normal thing to do in this country. On the other hand having a sale on Boxing Day doesn’t seem to me to be a good idea at all. Whilst I know there are plenty of people in essential services and hospitality who have to be on deck, shop assistants don’t have to join them. Where I come from Boxing Day was always a holiday. Give me a break!

Whoever thought up the idea of opening shopping centres on the day after Christmas day needs their head read? I think we ought to have a shopping moratorium for a few days after Christmas and let everyone have a few days off. Surely there are enough days during the year to go shopping.

In fact, if the governments of Australia had a genuine concern for people’s health they’d declare the week between Christmas and New Year ‘National Recharge Week’. During that time people could do the things they don’t have time to do during the rest of the year, particularly nothing.

Whether you’re staying home or going away, this year spend as much time as you can between Christmas and New Year doing nothing. There are 51 other weeks in the year to fill up with rush and nervous haste.

You could broaden the concept of doing nothing to include things like reading, going to the pictures, playing cards, doing lunch, getting a bit of exercise, having a siesta, but definitely no work, no shopping for things you don’t need or things you can’t afford. It’s a good time to give your credit card a recharge as well!

If you’ve come to the end of the year stressed out of your brain, my advice is to get lost – in a book.
In the meantime stay tuned- highly tuned, and take it easy.

I wish you a merry Christmas and hope you receive your heart’s desire in the sack on Christmas morning.

John Miller

There have been no posts from me lately not because my computer had broken down but because some parts of the human computer (me) were not functioning properly. It was only to be expected that of the many spare parts I’ve had to have installed over the years due to losing an argument – not with Boadicea my consort, which I do regularly- but with a tree while driving a car, that one of those parts decided it had enough and so sent me a message.

You’ve probably guessed already that I’m talking about the excruciating pain that attends such breakdown in body parts. It is of the same kind of pain experienced when one’s ears are assailed by politician voters were silly enough to elect, when they orate with what they think is wisdom that Solomon would envy. Little do they realise their wisdom is so poor that it will destroy their party’s political image something that Labor, Green and Liberal politicians are engaged in doing to their parties today.

NB. There is a difference in the pain: the pain I fell is in my hip while the pain given by the politicians is in the neck.

You might not agree with me but, in my opinion, computers are making common sense redundant. Once upon a time people actually thought before answering questions whereas today they say hang on a minute not, as you imagine to give them time to think about how they’re going to answer. No the hanging on time is to give them time to log on to Google, Twitter, Facebook or one of the many other alleged sources of wisdom that can be found on the internet. The result: instead of a getting a wide variety of answers what we get are answers that sound as if they come from robots in repetition mode.

As Christmas nears, the truth is that my emotional memory comes on like a sickness that no amount of money or success will ever cure. This happens to me because although I came from a family that suffered from financial poverty I have emotional memories of two or three family generations because in those far gone days, not only did families live close together they also fought and celebrated together.

However, as the world changed so too did families; they broke up. Some of the family moved far away and in in some cases very far away, as in my own case was the case of two brothers and a sister. In turn they each began new lives, made new friends and if marriage took place they became members of another family even as they, themselves, were starting a new family. These changes were often the prelude to fading memories of the original family not because they had forgotten them but due to the fact that not only daily but annual association and longer also ceased.

And then, as members of the original family move closer to departing this mortal coil, for some, these memories of how they laughed, cried, played and celebrated those special times of the year, such as their birthday or that of brothers, sisters, Halloween, Christmas and New Year together, disappeared. Those who retained these memories treated them as treasures brought out regularly so as to give some meaning to life.

It is in this context that as older people lose the capacity to adapt to the new norms of life, they become prisoners of emotional memories, a point that often seems to escape the notice of social engineering experts.

Blog: Allan Takes Aim; web:

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